Texas A&M Lettermen’s Association
2020 Adjusted Lettermen’s Club Access Policy
Access to Lettermen’s Club on special event days will be based on a multi-tiered priority booking system determined by the Lettermen’s Association Board of Directors.
Member priority ranking will be based on lifetime giving (Priority Points) as well as gifts to current Lettermen’s Facility Campaign.
The multi-tiered booking process will go live online on a designated date prior to each event.
Capital gifts of $25,000 and above dedicated to the Lettermen’s Facility Campaign qualifies member for Member Club Donor Preferred Access ranking for a period of ten years.
Members may request up to 2 admissions (letterman plus up to 1 guest) on special event dates. Members designated as a “Family Unit” may request up to 4 admissions. Each “Family Unit” request will be reviewed and approved based on available inventory. Member must provide “Family Unit” guest names and relationship at time of reservation request.
Admissions must be requested on a game by game basis.
Members must be Active / Life member in good standing to request admission to facility.
Admissions are non-transferrable.
Member must accompany guests.
A minimal number of admissions will be kept in reserve on special event days for outreach efforts.
Access to the club is available only to members holding a game ticket.
Once you leave the club to access your seats, all stadium and seating location policies and protocols will go into effect.
Tier Ranking:
Member Club Donor Preferred Access Group 2,500 Priority Points and Above
Gifts of $25,000 to Club Campaign
Active Member Access Group 1 - 2,499 Priority Points
Cleaning & Hygiene: A thorough clean of the club will be carried out daily with an enhanced focus on cleaning and sanitizing all doorknobs, handrails and common surfaces.
Regular cleaning and sanitizing of all communal rooms will happen throughout the day by custodial and Lettermen’s Association staff.
We ask all members, guests, staff and game day volunteers adopt a rigorous hand washing practice.
Capacity Limits in the Club: The number of members allowed in the club is based on the square footage of the space. Effective immediately and until further notice, occupancy of the club will be limited to 25% of the normal approved capacity. This policy will help promote social distancing efforts and ensure a safer environment for members, staff and game day volunteers.
It is the goal of our organization to provide an enjoyable environment for all members and guests. All members and guests are required to behave in a well-mannered, non-aggressive and courteous way to other members, guests and staff. Failure to behave in this manner can result in admission suspension or termination.
Members must directly and actively supervise young guests/children. Members failing to properly supervise young guests/children will be asked to refrain from bringing young guests/children in the future.
Texas A&M Lettermen’s Association
2020 Adjusted Lettermen’s Club Football Game Day Policies & Procedures
Hours of Operation:
Home Football Game Days
To Qualified Members Open 2 Hours Prior to Kickoff – End of Game
To All Members Open at end of game for period of 1 hour or until 12a.m.
The club will close sooner if all members have vacated the space.
Access to the Club:
Qualifying members may enter through the main club entrance in the North End Zone of Kyle Field or through the secondary entrance located on the first level concourse of the north end of Kyle Field, adjacent to Lettermen’s seating sections 118-119.
Texas A&M Lettermen’s Association staff will coordinate reservation list at main entrance and secondary entrance of the Club.
Texas A&M ticket staff and/or ushers will scan tickets at the main entrance of the Club.
Members qualifying for entrance and in possession of a ticket will be issued a wristband by Texas A&M Lettermen’s Association staff. Access to the club is available only to members with wristbands (in possession of game tickets).
Security personnel will be stationed on each floor of the Club.
Elevator access to members with approved second floor access is available in the 12th Man Foundation lobby.
Only four guests allowed in an elevator at one time.
Food & Beverages in the Club:
The Lettermen’s Association will provide complimentary drinks in the club beginning two hours prior to kick off and ending at the close of the third quarter of the football game. Drinks will not be served in the club after the third quarter of the game. No refreshments are allowed to leave the club. Meals will not be offered in the club. Concession stand food is allowed.